How to Play Poker Against a Bluffer
The most common opportunity to make money at the poker table can occur when you have a frequent bluffer in your Texas Hold'em poker game. Most people miss out on the opportunity to exploit this players desire to bluff as they go about playing their standard normal poker strategy.
Sometimes you need to adjust your poker game quite a bit to account for how this poker bluffer plays. You will need to look at ways to get them involved more in the game so you can get some of that poker bluff money.
This is where observation and studying your opponent's style comes into play at the tables. First be sure that you are definitely dealing with a player that has a propensity to bluff, you will find other players that will never think of bluffing at all and only play their cards dealt to them.
There are several signs to look for in a poker bluff such as:
1. The player is often caught and displays a losing hand.
2. Their betting frequency has increased.
3. They have certain betting patterns.
4. They love to bluff and show off.
The Player Is Often Caught: If you see the same player over and over again, keep getting called down by other players and all they show are bluffs; this means you need to get in on the action with them before they realize and adjust their poker strategy to playing tighter.
Betting Frequency: With this one, if you see a player that always seems to be betting at more pots than they are mathematically likely to hit, you may presume that they are frequently bluffing and taking shots at the pot, because even if you did flop a pair on the board, which is about 1 in 8, It would still be more than likely a bottom or middle pair rather than the top pair.
Betting Patterns: If you see a betting pattern emerging where the poker bluffer is betting at pots in late position or on the button, that everyone has checked at, then you can guess that they are either extremely lucky or making a lot of plays. This is where you can either check your big hand to them or even double bluff by re raising them signifying a big hand when really all you have is a great read on their bluff.
They Love to Bluff: Some people play poker not just for the money, but simply to bluff, to get away with something they know they shouldn't. You will see these types of people at the poker table. They will gladly show their bluffs to the rest of the table in some kind of ego reward to show you how good they are. Do not let this affect you, simply congratulate them on the way they played the hand and look for opportunities to exploit this behavior. The last thing you want to do is either let it put you on tilt or get nasty to them in such a way they will start playing tight instead.
When you are playing live it helps to have a good memory of situations and how hands are played against different players to be able to spot bluffs and employ the correct poker strategy. With playing online however you can use one of the many Poker Calculator Tools available online, such as Texas Calculatem. These tools will record statistics of players and formulate betting patterns and make it faster to unearth potential poker bluffers at your table.
When you have a frequent poker bluffer in your Texas Hold'em poker game, it is worth going out of your way to get them more involved playing pots with you. You need to realize that the poker bluffers game is designed to attack opponent's weaknesses.
This is where your anti bluff strategy comes into play; you don't want to show them too much strength at first because they may label you as a strong player and not try to bluff you. Give them a chance to take advantage of your supposed poker weaknesses, when in fact you have a strong read on them and you may benefit by letting them bluff one too many times and you will stack your opponent's chips.
The most common opportunity to make money at the poker table can occur when you have a frequent bluffer in your Texas Hold'em poker game. Most people miss out on the opportunity to exploit this players desire to bluff as they go about playing their standard normal poker strategy.
Sometimes you need to adjust your poker game quite a bit to account for how this poker bluffer plays. You will need to look at ways to get them involved more in the game so you can get some of that poker bluff money.
This is where observation and studying your opponent's style comes into play at the tables. First be sure that you are definitely dealing with a player that has a propensity to bluff, you will find other players that will never think of bluffing at all and only play their cards dealt to them.
There are several signs to look for in a poker bluff such as:
1. The player is often caught and displays a losing hand.
2. Their betting frequency has increased.
3. They have certain betting patterns.
4. They love to bluff and show off.
The Player Is Often Caught: If you see the same player over and over again, keep getting called down by other players and all they show are bluffs; this means you need to get in on the action with them before they realize and adjust their poker strategy to playing tighter.
Betting Frequency: With this one, if you see a player that always seems to be betting at more pots than they are mathematically likely to hit, you may presume that they are frequently bluffing and taking shots at the pot, because even if you did flop a pair on the board, which is about 1 in 8, It would still be more than likely a bottom or middle pair rather than the top pair.
Betting Patterns: If you see a betting pattern emerging where the poker bluffer is betting at pots in late position or on the button, that everyone has checked at, then you can guess that they are either extremely lucky or making a lot of plays. This is where you can either check your big hand to them or even double bluff by re raising them signifying a big hand when really all you have is a great read on their bluff.
They Love to Bluff: Some people play poker not just for the money, but simply to bluff, to get away with something they know they shouldn't. You will see these types of people at the poker table. They will gladly show their bluffs to the rest of the table in some kind of ego reward to show you how good they are. Do not let this affect you, simply congratulate them on the way they played the hand and look for opportunities to exploit this behavior. The last thing you want to do is either let it put you on tilt or get nasty to them in such a way they will start playing tight instead.
When you are playing live it helps to have a good memory of situations and how hands are played against different players to be able to spot bluffs and employ the correct poker strategy. With playing online however you can use one of the many Poker Calculator Tools available online, such as Texas Calculatem. These tools will record statistics of players and formulate betting patterns and make it faster to unearth potential poker bluffers at your table.
When you have a frequent poker bluffer in your Texas Hold'em poker game, it is worth going out of your way to get them more involved playing pots with you. You need to realize that the poker bluffers game is designed to attack opponent's weaknesses.
This is where your anti bluff strategy comes into play; you don't want to show them too much strength at first because they may label you as a strong player and not try to bluff you. Give them a chance to take advantage of your supposed poker weaknesses, when in fact you have a strong read on them and you may benefit by letting them bluff one too many times and you will stack your opponent's chips.
How to Play Poker Against a Bluffer
Reviewed by Gambling Blogs
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